If you missed Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference at the start of the week and are only just reading about it today here is a brief chronological outline of the changes, innovations an ideas Apple announced coming this autumn. Before the WWDC the internet was a live wire and hive of rumours and speculation with what Apple would announce. Now the dust has settled so what really matters and what do we know now for a certainty?

Yosemite OS X (The new OS for Mac)

After a brief five minuet video presentation Apple kicked off revealing the new updates for Apple customers in Autumn. Firstly focusing on the Mac operating system with Craig Federighi casually announcing OS X Yosemite, Yosemite is the latest update for the Mac Operating system and it will be a free update. The key points to take note of Yosemite are the new innovations that work seamlessly simplifying the user experience effortlessly and conveniently with the iPhone, iPad and third party software!

  • If you have an iPhone you will be able to make and receive texts voice and video calls through your Mac desktop work or play!
  • Yosemite OS X has an updated and enhanced look keeping in tune with Apple’s tradition of keeping it clean simple and easy to use. Yosemite will allow users to customize its look much more then ever before!
  • Third party software integration- Apple have updated the Notification Centre enabling users to create six Android style interactive widgets seamlessly on the iPad, iPhone and the Mac! This comes as an excellent most welcome useful and revolutionary appreciated update!
  • iCloud Drive will allow users to access files from absolutely any device! Again this is something that Brand Loyal Apple customers have been asking to receive for a long time. This means you can grab files from anywhere any device and store them in your iCloud, perfect!
  • Spotlight- Spotlight is updated significantly becoming the fastest way possible to run your favourite applications or search for anything you want such as emails, messages, apps, points of interests, news, restaurants, songs and movies! Spotlight can use your locality to find a restaurant or movie streaming online or near you!

Bradley James Davies i=Mc2