This morning the 16th of April at 8.00am EE Mobile went forward with their lucrative but altogether undeniably useful EE Power Bar campaign. The EE Power bar is a portable battery recharger and extender that can easily fit in your pocket or bag. When your phone is running low on juice plug it in to power back up again. If your Power Bar itself requires recharging and you are out and about near enough to an EE store you can just pop into the nearest and exchange it for a fully rechargeable one- FREE of charge!
This is a simple effective yet way for EE to grab new custom as well as provide existing customer a new form of service as of yet unavailable on the competing networks. On the surface this is a brilliant idea. Portable battery rechargers have been around awhile and smartphones notoriously require a lot of power to run. However I own a portable battery recharger myself and the only time I have ever used it was when I was recording a timelapse. I feel people approach the use of a third-party battery recharger with trepidation. The EE Power Bar with the branding behind it might just be what is needed to take the portable recharger confidently to the mainstream!
PAYG customers need to have been with EE for three months before applying for this service but Broadband and Contract holders will be able to apply for it right away! Will you be applying for yours? Do you already have a portable charger you would recommend? If so please do let us know in the comments below. Thank you reading our blog and have an excellent day guys!