Moto360Arguably it could be said one of the advantages the Apple Watch might be considered to have over Android Wear is not just it’s exclusively only to Apple, (whereas Android Wear is hosted amoung several different manufacture’s) but it’s ease of use and UI. Today Google released a massive new update for Android Wear that should level the playing field. Now if your sat at home potentially with a wrist burn frying your brain cells agonising deciding whether to wear the latest Andriod or Apple Watch, or if your already own an android wear device and are wondering what the new update improves, look no further!

Wifi Connecting

To use Android Wear with your device you’re going to need a phone with Android 4.4.3 or higher available to pair it with. Usually this would be done through Bluetooth. The latest update will make this possible through Wifi, you’ll also be able to use your home Wifi for browsing online and not have to pair your ‘wear’ device to the phone at the same time just to do so. This seems like the logical leap and is something Sony opted to do with their clip QX1 Cameta lens. Connecting to your phone also by wifi provides higher data transfer rate for apps and browsing.

More Gesture Controll

Google has redesigned a new simple menu system. The new system means you can now access your apps with just one tapp. Scrolling left for contacts and further left for traditional settings. Now more freedom of gesture control arrives to Android Wear. You’ll be able to tilt and flick your wrist forwards and backwards using it to browse through Google Cards for instance if both your hand’s are busy or too grubby from crafting a base of clay!

Apps Always On

Utilising the ambient mode of most wearables users can now pick which Apps they would like to leave on during ambient power saving mode. When the app and screen are not in full use they will both chill down to monochrome and only dish out the bright full colour spectrum when you tilt and look at the watch face. This means you can now keep your favourite apps open and always on even when approaching low power.


This month Apple updated iOS which include a host of new diverse smiley emojis and so just as the month is passing into a close the new Android Wear update smiley timed and updated. You’ll now be able to draw and share hundreds of emojis on the fly in reply to quick texts!

Have you updated your device already? How do you feel about the new changes? Please do let us know in the comments below. As usual, have an awesome day!