Apple have been having problems, or have they? Just last week Friday the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus was released globally and went on sale, the world went mad and an Australian man dropped his phone! Developers, publisher’s and brand loyal Apple customers with pre-orders rushed and joined the early bird que snatching the iPhone 6 and 6+ into their deadly venomous flexible back pocket!image bendy iPhone 6

It’s hardly been a week and Apple’s leap into the ‘Phablet Arena’ with the 5.5 inch iPhone 6 Plus has been scarred with the rumor and pictures of disgruntled and bemused users having bent the phone accidently in their pockets after applying pressure sat upon the device all day! This isn’t the first time a smartphone has had this trouble at launch, the Sony Xperia Z1 had users complaining it bent in pockets as did some users of the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the early iPhone 5/5s models.

It’s not known how many Apple devices have been affected with this problem and Apple has yet to comment in regards to it. Furthermore Apple blundered their latest surprise update iOS 8.0.1 after some users of the six and six plus updated with the result of loosing all reception on their phones along with Touch ID. Apple have apologised and pulled the download offline until the problem is debugged and iOS 8.0.2 is hurriedly released in the next few days! Apple are working “Around the clock” and there is also a temporary work around for this problem on Apple’s support page.

You could say it hasn’t been a good week, but free publicity is free publicity Apple have had a record breaking week in sales but the bending has blemished Apple’s limelight, no doubt they are working hard at putting things right! In the meantime take a safety precaution make sure you get insurance and get yourself a premium quality protective case.