
Over the weekend it was reported and confirmed on Saturday that Samsung has removed their wildly recognisable logo from their latest flagship devices the Galaxy S6 and S6 edge currently in Japan. The Reason for this has not been fully revealed.

What Logo Instead Of Samsung?

The logo has been replaced and instead the phones are fully branded and presented as the Domco Galaxy and Au Galaxy which is the name of the carrier’s aka ‘Networks’ which offer the new Smartphone’s which are currently released and resting in the land of the Samurai, Japan.

Why Did Samsung Do It?

Speculation as to why has overlooked the obvious. Recently in the UK with the release of the Samsung Galaxy S6 & S6 edge we saw EE tout the Wifi Calling features of the new devices above every other carrier. It has also been rumored and not fully confirmed yet if Wifi Calling will work on either of these two phones if you haven’t brought your handset finely tuned and pre-modified specifically from a VoLTE ready network and instead directly brought from Samsung. Which I think is a bit of a scary grey tactic and area nobody else really wants to touch upon? I personally asked my provider EE and was told it wouldn’t be a problem to use my current contract sim in a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge for wifi calling. You can read the full story of wifi calling and get the low down with our wifi calling guide.

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, Front & Back

Deals For The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge


I will be testing this out for myself when we debut our first hands on review on the S6 edge next month. I live out in the village on a 1bar signal so it should be a fair test. As usual thanks for reading guys and thanks for your phenomenal twitter support on the weekend and if you have any comments please do. Have an excellent day!

Source- Sammobile