The FreedomPop Network Logo

Ongoing Free & Paid V.O.I.P Service

image-source-Flickr- Julian Carvajal

image-source-Flickr- Julian Carvajal

Further Free Data

FreedomPop also offer further free additional data which can be obtained via completing offers and online surveys directly through the FreedomPop website.

Additional Services

At best a large part of FreedomPop’s business model incorporates additional paid for extra monthly services. Selecting to bolt on any of these services fine tunes the network to your suiting. Enabling outgoing calls to be made over the network without Wifi, the accumulation of unused monthly recycled data, and by far most important, message alerts for when you’ve brushed past your allowance.

FreedomPop Multi Sim Options

FreedomPop Multi-Sim

Premium Voice

Premium Voice (£1.99 p/m for the free tariff and FREE on paid-for tariffs). Making calls only through the FreedomPop’s Free Application is one of the differing strengths and deliberate incentivised limitations of the FreedomPop service. You’ll only be able to make calls over home broadband and mobile WiFi hotstpots. The reason for this is because FreedomPop uses voice-over-Internet-protocol (Voip) technology to connect the call. Standing out singular from all other networks in this approach. With Premium Voice bolted onto your free package, you’ll get access to make additional calls over the official network. Especially useful for when looking for a patchy Wifi signal on the move, enabling you to make outgoing calls. However you’ll still need a dongle or Wifi to receive a single incoming call.

Data Rollover

Data Rollover (£1.49 p/m) For an extra £1.49 monthly you can carry over and up to 500MB of unused mobile data, rolling it over to be used or saved for the next month. The data will continue to accumulate monthly as long as you have the additional service bolted on. Keep in mind that it’s capped at 20GB.

FreedomPop Usage Alert

FreedomPop Usage Alert (For an additional 99p per month) The danger with FreedomPop is if your not careful you’ll be charged automatically for breaching your allowance. To avoid this potential automatic billshock minefield it’s advisable to pay the 99p extra a month for the usage alerts service, warning you of when your past your minutes and data.


By default there’s no voicemail included with FreedomPop. To take advantage of this taken for granted feature it’s also another 99 pence per month.

Next Page- Comparison To Alternative Networks